Birds of the Upper Cumberland Region: Species Accounts
Veery (Catharus fuscescens)
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Veery [lateral view of adult]. Photograph Credit: Rickey Shive; Pulliam Hollow, Metcalfe County, Kentucky; 5 May 2019. |
Abundance: Uncommon to Very Uncommon during spring; Very Uncommon during fall; Very Uncommon to Rare during summer; recorded in 14 Regional counties, 3 in Kentucky and 11 in Tennessee (Map of UCR Distribution); Regional breeding and migrant populations too small and/or too poorly sampled to allow meaningful determination of their population trends (see also Regional Bird-Monitoring Plan).
Status: Transient throughout most Region during spring (at least 38 records; some Spring Bird Count records from Putnam County are not itemized below) and fall (at least 20 records); Summer Resident at high elevations of Frozen Head State Natural Area, Morgan County, Tennessee (Nicholson 1987a); on Dorton Knob at southern end of Brady Mountain, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Mast and Stedman 2006); and possibly on Fork Mountain, Scott/Anderson counties, Tennessee (Bulluck and Timpf 2005); photograph [lateral view of adult somewhat obstructed by vegetation] (Stephen J. Stedman; Holleman's Bend Rd., Jackson County, Tennessee; 5 September 2008).
Regional High Count: 19 (21 June 2006; Frozen Head State Natural Area, Morgan County, Tennessee; David M. Engebretson); High Count during Fall: 10 (17 September 1989; Barnes Hollow, Putnam County, Tennessee; Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Vogt 1990a); SBC/SBB High Count: 7 (22 April 1966; Putnam County, Tennessee [SBC]; m. ob.; Stedman 1993).
Information on Spring Migration Records:
5 or 6 May 1962 (3) Cumberland County, Tennessee (observers unknown; Anonymous 1962a), a Spring Bird Count record.
23 or 24 April 1966 (1) Putnam County, Tennessee (observers unknown; Anonymous 1966a; Stedman 1993), a Spring Bird Count record.
7 or 8 May 1966 (3) Cumberland County, Tennessee (observers unknown; Anonymous 1966a), a Spring Bird Count record.
22 April 1967 (7) Putnam County, Tennessee (observers unknown; Anonymous 1967a; Stedman 1993), a Spring Bird Count record.
6 May 1978 (1) Putnam County, Tennessee (observers unknown), a Spring Bird Count record.
4 June 1998 (1) Macon County, Tennessee (John D. Froeschauer; Fekel 1998d).
4 May 1999 (1) Nemo area, Obed Wild and Scenic River, Morgan County, Tennessee (Barbara H. Stedman; Stedman and Stedman 2002).
15 May 1999 (1) Pulaski County Park, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
23 April 2000 (1) Twin Arches Loop, Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Scott County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Daniel L. Combs; Stedman and Stedman 2002).
6 May 2000 (1) Mt. Zion, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
9 May 2001 (1) Mt. Zion, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
2 May 2002 (1) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
7 May 2003 (1) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Ginger K. Ensor).
15 May 2003 (?) Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.).
25 April 2004 (1) Edgar Evins State Park, DeKalb County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Michael J. Hawkins).
28 April 2004 (1) Ensor Sink Natural Area, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
8 May 2004 (1) Pulaski County, Kentucky (fide Roseanna M. Denton), a Spring Bird Count record.
3 May 2005 (1) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
29 April 2006 (1) near Burke, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Spring Bird Count record.
3 May 2006 (2) Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
13 May 2006 (1) Mt. Zion, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton), a Spring Bird Count record.
14 May 2006 (1) Alpine Recreation Area, Daniel Boone National Forest, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
17 May 2006 (1) Ensor Sink Natural Area, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Steve Holzman).
1 May 2007 (1) Dorton Knob, Brady Mountain, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Spring Bird Count record.
4 May 2007 (1) Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
12 May 2007 (3) Pulaski County, Kentucky (fide Roseanna M. Denton), a Spring Bird Count record.
3 May 2008 (1) Potter's Ford Rd., Catoosa Wildlife Management Area, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Barbara H. Stedman), a Spring Bird Count record.
6 May 2008 (2—singing) Greenbriar Rd., Adair County, Kentucky (Stephen J. Stedman, Thomas M. Saya), a Spring BirdBlitz record.
17 May 2008 (1) White Cave Rd., White County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast), a Spring Bird Count record.
Information on Fall Migration Records:
27 & 29 September 1986 (1) Mt. Zion, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
7 September 1987 (1) Jackson County, Tennessee (Michael J. Hawkins).
5 September 1988 (1) Barnes Hollow, Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Vogt 1989a; Stedman 1993).
10/17 September 1989 (3/10) Barnes Hollow, Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Vogt 1990a; Stedman 1993).
22 September 1995 (1) Barnes Hollow, Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Stedman 2006).
28 August 1996 (1) Barnes Hollow, Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Stedman 2006).
8 & 16 September (1) Mt. Zion, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
2 September 2000 (1) Burnt Mill Bridge Loop, Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area, Scott County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman; Stedman and Stedman 2002).
4 October 2000 (1) Lilly Bluff, Obed Wild and Scenic River, Morgan County, Tennessee (Barbara H. Stedman; Stedman and Stedman 2002).
15 September 2001 (1) Putnam County, Tennessee (Winston Walden et al.; Hoff 2002a), a Fall Bird Count record.
21 September 2002 (1) Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Hoff 2002b).
21 September 2002 (1) Stephens Knob, Daniel Boone National Forest, McCreary County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton, Somerset Bird Club; Busroe 2003a).
18 September 2004 (1) Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Hoff 2005a), a Fall Bird Count record.
20 September 2004 (1) City Lake, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
29 September 2005 (1) Rock Creek Campground, Obed Wild and Scenic River, Morgan County, Tennessee (Barbara H. Stedman).
1 October 2005 (1) Old Railbroad Grade Rd., White County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Douglas A. Downs; Hoff 2006a), a Fall Bird Count record.
5 September 2006 (1) City Lake, Putnam County, Tennessee (Barbara H. Stedman).
17 September 2006 (1) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
28 August 2008 (1—heard calling) Leffle Webb Rd., Cumberland County, Tennessee (Edmund K. LeGrand).
5 September 2008 (2) Holleman's Bend Rd., Jackson County, Tennessee (Barbara H. Stedman, Stephen J. Stedman photo [see above]).
First Breeding Season Record by County:
5 & 11 June 1982 ("several"—singing) High elevations of Frozen Head State Natural Area, Morgan County, Tennessee (Lou Fuller; Dubke and Dubke 1982; Nicholson 1987a).
11 June 2005 (4—singing) Dorton Knob at southern end of Brady Mountain, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast; Mast and Stedman 2006).
21 July 2005 (1—hatch-year banded) Fork Mountain power-line right-of-way, Scott/Anderson counties, Tennessee (Lesley Bulluck, Matthew Timpf; Bulluck and Timpf 2005).
Regional Extreme Dates:
Spring: 15 April 2015 (Putnam County, Tennessee; Stephen J. Stedman; an eBird record).
Fall: 4 October 2000 (Morgan County, Tennessee; Barbara H. Stedman; Stedman and Stedman 2002).
Note: Spring arrival generally widespread by 1 May; fall departure usually complete by 15 September. The Regional Extreme Dates (above) are given as for Summer Residents, since this species is a highly probable breeder at two Regional sites, possibly breeds at another site, and might be a high-elevation breeder elsewhere in the Region. However, most birds found in the Region represent Transients observed during spring and fall migration; the late spring date for sites without a known breeding population is 7 June 1998, a remarkably late record obtained in Macon County, Tennessee (John D. Froeschauer; Fekel 1998d), while the early fall date for sites without a known breeding population is 28 August 1996/2008, the former record having been obtained at Barnes Hollow, Putnam County, Tennessee (Richard W. Simmers, Jr.; Stedman 2006) and the latter on Leffle Webb Rd., Cumberland County, Tennessee (Edmund K. LeGrand). Regional dates of earliest reported spring arrival and latest reported fall departure for the years 2002–2011 follow:
Year | Early Spring Arrival | Late Fall Departure |
2002 | 2 May | 21 September |
2003 | 7 May | -- |
2004 | 25 April | 20 September |
2005 | 3 May | 1 October |
2006 | 29 April | 17 September |
2007 | 1 May | -- |
2008 | 3 May | 20 September |
2009 | 2 May | -- |
2010 | 8 May | 2 October |
2011 | 29 April | 17 September |
Breeding: Probable (Recent), highly so, at Frozen Head State Natural Area, Morgan County, Tennessee (Nicholson 1987a), and on Dorton Knob at the southern end of Brady Mountain, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Mast and Stedman 2006); possibly also on Fork Mountain, Scott/Anderson counties, Tennessee (Bulluck and Timpf 2005). Positive breeding evidence is currently lacking at any of these sites.
Habitat: When breeding, prefers the lower canopy and ground cover components of high-elevation (750–1000 m), mature deciduous forest; few Regional sites meet these elevational criteria. However, Veeries occasionally adopt breeding sites on the Cumberland Plateau located at lower elevation than the range cited above; for instance, this thrush was recorded c. 25 km to the southwest of the Region during June 1979 in the Savage Gulf, Grundy County, Tennessee, singing at 470 m (Robertson 1979). Consequently, late evening searches for Veeries might be undertaken at a number of sites on the plateau that have been preserved in large tracts, especially if they contain mature forests situated in areas of high relief.
During migration this thrush, like the other migrant thrushes, is often found on or near the forest floor in fairly mature, quiet woodlands; preferentially forages in leaf litter.
YardWatch Results 2003 and 2004: Registered on 0 (of 125) monthly check-lists during 2003 and on 1 (of 206) check-list during 2004, indicating that this species is Rare in Regional yards and neighborhoods, where one might expect greater numbers to have been noted than was the case, probably indicating the retiring habits of this thrush, its general scarcity, and its being a challenge to identify for the majority of observers.
Foray Results: A summary of data from UCR Forays follows (to view a map displaying foray data for a county or a sub-Region for this species, click on the name of an underlined county or state below):
County | Dates when Foray Conducted | Total
Blocks in County * |
Blocks in which Veery Recorded |
Individuals Recorded |
Adair | 8–16 June 2014 | 46 | 0 | 0 |
Barren | 1–7 June 2013 | 54 | 0 | 0 |
Clinton | 12–14 June 2009 | 24 | 0 | 0 |
Cumberland | 16–20 June 2014 | 35 | 0 | 0 |
McCreary | 30 May–5 Jun 2011 | 51 | 0 | 0 |
Metcalfe | 8–12 June 2013 | 32 | 0 | 0 |
Monroe | 1–12 June 2015 | 35 | 0 | 0 |
Pulaski | 5–11 June 2010 | 72 | 0 | 0 |
Russell | 13–16, 26–29 June 2012 | 31 | 0 | 0 |
Wayne | 28 May–3 June 2012 | 54 | 0 | 0 |
Kentucky | 434 (408) | 0 | 0 | |
Bledsoe | 18–24 June 2012 | 48 | 0 | 0 |
Clay | 12–15 June 2010 | 30 | 0 | 0 |
Cumberland | 29 May–4 June 2010 | 75 | 1 | 0 |
DeKalb | 23–26 May 2008 | 40 | 0 | 0 |
Fentress | 11–17 June 2012 | 55 | 0 | 0 |
Jackson | 29 May–1 Jun 2009 | 40 | 0 | 0 |
Macon | 17–22 June 2013 | 32 | 0 | 0 |
Morgan | 1–8 June 2014 | 58 | 0 | 0 |
Overton | 23–29 May 2011 | 47 | 0 | 0 |
Pickett | 22–25 May 2009 | 24 | 0 | 0 |
Putnam | 6–12 June 2011 | 46 | 0 | 0 |
Scott | 9–24 June 2016 | 62 | 0 | 0 |
Smith | 15–25 June 2015 | 37 | 0 | 0 |
Van Buren | 13–15 June 2011 | 33 | 0 | 0 |
Warren | 1–10 June 2016 | 47 | 0 | 0 |
White | 1–6 June 2015 | 50 | 0 | 0 |
Tennessee | 724 (651) | 1 (0.14%) | 0 | |
Region | 1158 ( c.1059) | 1 (0.09%) | 0 |
* Because some foray blocks fall into two or three counties, the total of blocks in the Kentucky or Tennessee portions of the Region is less than the sum of the blocks in the counties of each portion of the Region; similarly, because some blocks fall into both states, the total of blocks for the Region is less than the sum of the blocks in the two states.
Remarks: Results of a walking transect (S. Stedman pers. data) in Frozen Head State Natural Area, Morgan County, Tennessee, during early June of each year from 1994 to 2008 reveal the presence of small numbers of this thrush at that site during most years (range of individuals counted during 15 annual transects: 2–11); the Regional High Count (see above) was also obtained at this site. High annual counts of Veeries detected on Dorton Knob, Cumberland County, Tennessee, have been 4 in 2005 (Mast and Stedman 2006), 6 in 2006 (Mast and Stedman 2006), and 2 in 2007 (Stephen J. Stedman pers. data). Only a hatch-year bird captured and banded during late July 2005 (i.e., before the usual onset of fall migration) indicates the possibility of a breeding population in southern Scott County, Tennessee (Bulluck and Timpf 2005).
Some credit for the detection of the first Veeries on Dorton Knob, Cumberland County, Tennessee, belongs to Anthony Tate, who had heard "interesting" birdsong at that site during at least one summer prior to 2005 and who provided location information to Joseph E. Mast, leading to the first confirmed breeding season observation at that site during 2005 (Mast and Stedman 2006).
Data gathered on Regional FBCs are slim, revealing only that the Veery is occasionally detected at that season by that method of surveying. Data from Regional SBCs offer a slightly larger "window" through which to view the status of Veery at that season than do the data for the fall, but they nonetheless remain considerably less robust than would be required to produce estimates of the Regional transient and breeding population sizes or to generate trend data.
Check-lists of Birds for the Counties of the UCR
Check-lists of the birds of each county of the Upper Cumberland Region may be viewed by clicking on the links below. For each county, there are two check-lists: one list that shows the species that have been observed and where possible documented in the county within the larger list for the entire Region; and one list that includes only the species observed in the county with annotations for the date and observers for at least one sighting (the ultimate goal of the latter list will be to include annotations for the very first known Regional observation of each species in that county; this goal is probably one that will take many years to complete, if completion is even a possibility). To see if the species discussed in this species account has been observed in a county, click below or click on the link for the Map of UCR Distribution near the top of the page.
Barren | Metcalfe | Adair | Russell | Pulaski |
Monroe | Cumberland | Clinton | Wayne | McCreary |
Macon | Clay | Pickett | Fentress | Scott |
Smith | Jackson | Overton | Putnam | Morgan |
DeKalb | White | Cumberland | ||
Warren | Van Buren | Bledsoe |
Check-lists of Birds for Some Public Access Birding Sites of the UCR
Check-lists of the birds of some public access birding sites within the Upper Cumberland Region may be viewed via the links below. To see if the species dealt with in this species account has been observed within any of these sites, click on the appropriate link below. See the pages for each county within the Gazetteer for links to additional smaller public access birding sites with check-lists in progress.
Literature Cited