Birds of the Upper Cumberland Region: Species Accounts
Willow Flycatcher (Empidonax traillii)
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Willow Flycatcher [ventral view of singing male]. Photograph Credit: David L. Roemer; Dry Creek Unit, Barren River Lake WMA, Barren County, Kentucky; 16 May 2012.
Abundance: Uncommon to Very Uncommon; at least 73 records in 17 Regional counties, 5 in Kentucky and 12 in Tennessee (Map of UCR Distribution); data are too few to determine a trend in the Regional breeding or migrating populations (see also Regional Bird-Monitoring Plan).
Status: Summer Resident; sight and sound records; photograph (see link below).
Regional High Count: 7 (31 May 2010; Cumberland County, Tennessee; Edmund K. LeGrand, Joseph E. Mast [Cumberland County Foray data]).
Information on Records:
Summer 1972 (number unspecified) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Herbert E. Shadowen; Shadowen 1978).
Summer 1973 (number unspecified) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Herbert E. Shadowen; Shadowen 1978).
Summer 1974 (number unspecified) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Herbert E. Shadowen; Shadowen 1978).
Summer 1975 (number unspecified) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Herbert E. Shadowen; Shadowen 1978).
Summer 1976 (number unspecified) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Herbert E. Shadowen; Shadowen 1978).
Summer 1978 (number unspecified) DeKalb County, Tennessee (Herbert E. Shadowen; Shadowen 1978).
12 May 1979 (1) Barren County, Kentucky (Russell Starr; Stamm 1979d).
2–3 June 1979 (1) Wolf River east of Rt. 127, Fentress County, Tennessee (James Campbell, Betty Reid Campbell, Charles P. Nicholson; Nicholson 1981).
29 June 1980 (1) Wolf River east of Rt. 127, Fentress County, Tennessee (fide Charles P. Nicholson; Nicholson 1981).
June 1983 (1) Smoky Junction BBS route, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson; Dubke and Dubke 1983b), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
June 1984 (1) Smoky Junction BBS route, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
June 1985 (2) Smoky Junction BBS route, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
25 May 1986 (2—singing) Celina, Clay County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Damien J. Simbeck; Stedman 1986d, Stedman 1987b).
25 May 1986 (1—singing) Northern Overton County, Tennessee (Robbie C. Hassler, J. David Hassler; Stedman 1986d), tape-recorded.
25 May 1986 (1) Livingston, Overton County, Tennessee (David F. Vogt, Linda Anderson, Betty Worden; Stedman 1986d).
26 May 1986 (3) Southern Fentress County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson; Dubke and Dubke 1986c).
26 May & 22 June 1986 (1—singing) Smith's Bend, Jackson County, Tennessee (David F. Vogt; Stedman 1986d).
June 1987 (1) Smoky Junction BBS route, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
June 1987 (1) Oliver Springs BBS route, Morgan County, Tennessee (James Campbell), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
25 June 1987 (1) Fentress County, Tennessee (Robbie C. Hassler; Stedman 1987e).
June 1988 (2—singing) Near Clarkrange, Fentress County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman; Knight 1988d).
June 1988 (1) Oliver Springs BBS route, Morgan County, Tennessee (James Campbell), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
June 1988 (number unspecified) Oneida, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson; Knight 1988d).
7 June 1990 (1) Stop 33, Silver Point BBS route, near Temperance Hall, DeKalb County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
8 July 1990 (1) East of Somerset, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Mitchell Sturgeon; Stamm and Monroe 1990b).
June 1990 (1) Smoky Junction BBS route, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
12 May 1991 (1—singing) Near Granville, Jackson County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Barbara H. Stedman).
4 June 1994 (1—singing) Stop 36, Oliver Springs BBS route, pond near intersection Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a BBS record.
4 June 1994 (1+) Ano strip mines, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Jackie B. Elmore, Sr.; Stamm 1994b).
4 June 1995 (1—singing) Pond near intersection Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
3/30 June 1995 (1) Ano strip mines, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Jackie B. Elmore, Sr., C. Gay Hodges, Roseanna M. Denton/Roseanna M. Denton).
June 1995 (1) Smoky Junction BBS route, Scott County, Tennessee (Charles P. Nicholson), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
7 June 1997 (1) Ano strip mines, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton and Somerset Bird Club members).
6 June 1998 (1) Ano strip mines, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton and Somerset Bird Club members).
7 June 1998 (1—singing) Pond near intersection Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
9 June 1999 (1) Bledsoe County, Tennessee (Debbie Shannon, Roi Shannon; Knight 1999c).
4 June 1999 (1—singing) Stop 36, Oliver Springs BBS route, at pond near intersection Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
30 June & 2 July 1999 (1—singing) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman; Fekel 1999d).
Early May 2000 (1) McCreary County Airport, McCreary County, Kentucky (Stephen J. Stedman, Lynda M. Mills et al.).
20 May–21 July 2000 (1—singing) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman et al.).
4 June 2000 (1) Pond near intersection Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Susan H. Ford, Ivan L. Cordrey, Daniel L. Combs).
11 May–26 June 2001 (1—singing) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman et al.), includes a Spring Bird Count record.
8–30 May 2002 (3—2 singing and 1 nonsinging) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Susan H. Ford, Michael P. O'Rourke; Casteel 2002c), includes a Spring Bird Count Record.
14–15 & 22–27 May 2002 (1-4) McCreary County Airport, McCreary County, Kentucky (Stephen J. Stedman, Lynda M. Mills, Thomas B. Mills et al.).
28 May 2002 (1—singing) Rt. 56 just north of Cumberland River, Jackson County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
30 May 2002 (1—singing) Oneida, Scott County, Tennessee (Nell Moore).
2 June 2002 (1—singing) Stop 36, Oliver Springs BBS route, pond near intersection Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman; Knight 2002d), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
10 May–22 June 2003 (1—singing) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Ginger K. Ensor, Kenneth L. Morgan, Stephen J. Stedman), includes a Spring Bird Count record.
24 & 26 May 2003 (1—singing) McCreary County Airport, McCreary County, Kentucky (Lynda M. Mills, Thomas B. Mills, Stephen J. Stedman).
8 May 2004 (1) Little Lick, DBNF, Pulaski County, Kentucky (Scott Marsh, Rhonda Bryant; Palmer-Ball and McNeeley 2004c), a Spring Bird Count record.
9–25 May 2004 (1—singing) Cane Creek Park, Cookeville, Putnam County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman et al.).
1 July 2004 (1—singing) Heritage Marsh, White County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Douglas A. Downs).
22 July 2004 (1) Creelsboro, Russell County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton; Palmer-Ball and McNeeley 2004d).
16–25 May 2005 (1—singing) Bud Tanner Rd., Cumberland County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast, Stephen J. Stedman).
22 May 2005 (1—singing) Roaring River Recreation Area, Jackson County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Winston A. Walden).
5 June 2005 (1—singing) Stop 35, Oliver Springs BBS route, Rt. 62, Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
6 June 2005 (1—singing) Rt. 553 about 2.25 km west of intersection with Rt. 127 in Albany, Clinton County, Kentucky (Stephen J. Stedman; Palmer-Ball and McNeeley 2005d).
2 July 2005 (1—singing) Creelsboro, Russell County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton; Palmer-Ball and McNeeley 2005d).
12& 15 May 2006 (1—singing) near Bud Tanner Rd., Mayland, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast photo, Rueben J. Yoder).
13 May 2006 (2) Pulaski County, Kentucky (Scott Marsh), a Spring Bird Count record.
28 May 2006 (2—1 singing and 1 calling) east of Mayland, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast).
24 June 2006 (1—singing) Heritage Marsh, White County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Douglas A. Downs).
29 June 2006 (1—singing) White's Bend Rd., Jackson County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Barbara H. Stedman).
16 July 2006 (1—singing) Oneida, Scott County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Winston A. Walden).
11 August 2006 (4—1 adult, 2 fledged young, 1 unknown) Brodio Rd., Fentress County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman).
12 May 2007 (2) Pulaski County, Kentucky (Scott Marsh, Rhonda Bryant), a Spring Bird Count record.
20 May 2007 (1) Buck Creek Nature Preserve (Pumprey Tract), Pulaski County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
31 May-1 June 2007 (1) Joe Tabor Rd. near Drowning Creek, Cumberland County, Tennessee (Kenneth L. Morgan).
3 June 2007 (1—singing) Stop 35 on Oliver Springs BBS, Rt. 62, Morgan County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Breeding Bird Survey record.
20 June 2007 (4—2 singing and 2 nonsinging/1--singing) Campbell Farm/Mast Farm, Bud Tanner Rd., Cumberland County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast, Stephen J. Stedman [both sightings]).
24 July 2007 (1) Creelsboro, Russell County, Kentucky (Roseanna M. Denton).
3 May 2008 (1—singing) Bud Tanner Rd., Cumberland County, Tennessee (Joseph E. Mast), a Spring Bird Count record.
1 June 2009 (1—singing) Holleman's Bend Rd., Jackson County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman), a Jackson County Foray record.
12–13 June 2009 (1—singing) Hudson Rd., Clinton County, Kentucky (Douglas A. Downs photo), a Clinton County Foray record.
7 July 2009 (5—4 singing and 1 calling) White's Bend Rd., Jackson County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman, Edmund K. LeGrand).
Regional Extreme Dates:
Early Spring: 29 April 2014 (Morgan County, Tennessee; Janie C. Finch, Richard C. Finch).
Late Fall: 11 August 2006 (Fentress County, Tennessee; Stephen J. Stedman).
Breeding: Confirmed (Recent). Breeding evidence is difficult to obtain. An adult carrying nest material (or food for young) was noted by Susan H. Ford and pointed out to Stephen J. Stedman, Ivan L. Cordrey, and Daniel L. Combs 4 June 2000 at the pond near the intersection of Rt. 62 and Flat Fork Rd., Morgan County, Tennessee; on 11 August 2006 a fledged young begging from an adult was witnessed on Brodio Rd., Fentress County, Tennessee (Stephen J. Stedman); these were the first confirmed instances of breeding for the Region.
Habitat: Although usually associated with shallow wetlands dominated by willows (Salix sp.), Willow Flycatchers accept other habitats as well, especially dense, moist second growth in the early stages of succession (Stedman 1987b), where, however, the duration of optimal habitat is often limited by successional processes, as apparently occurred on the north shore of the lake at Cane Creek Park, Putnam County, Tennessee; Willow Flycatchers were first noted at that site in 1999 and were observed there subsequently for five years, after which they were not present; during the six growing seasons involved in this series of annual observations, the height of the vegetation in this habitat increased from an average of 3–4 m in 1999 to an average of 6–7 m in 2005, the latter height perhaps being the upper limit of tolerance in this habitat for Willow Flycatchers. Exclusion by habitat succession may also have been a factor in the disappearance of Willow Flycatcher from the breeding site used from 1994 to 1998 at the Ano strip mines, Pulaski County, Kentucky, where the dominant vegetation, autumn olive, became "thicker and taller" over the years (R. M. Denton, pers. com.).
YardWatch Results 2003 and 2004: No registrations.
Foray Results: A summary of data from UCR Forays follows (to view a map displaying foray data for a county or a sub-Region for this species, click on the name of an underlined county or state below):
County | Dates when Foray Conducted | Total
Blocks in County * |
Blocks in which Willow Flycatcher Recorded |
Individuals Recorded |
Adair | 8–16 June 2014 | 46 | 1 | 0 |
Barren | 1–6 June 2013 | 54 | 3 | 3 |
Clinton | 12–14 June 2009 | 24 | 1 | 1 |
Cumberland | 16–20 June 2014 | 35 | 0 | 0 |
McCreary | 30 May–5 Jun 2011 | 51 | 2 | 2 |
Metcalfe | 8–12 June 2013 | 32 | 0 | 0 |
Monroe | 1–12 June 2015 | 35 | 0 | 0 |
Pulaski | 5–11 June 2010 | 72 | 2 | 2 |
Russell | 13–16, 26–29 June 2012 | 31 | 0 | 0 |
Wayne | 28 May–3 June 2012 | 54 | 1 | 1 |
Kentucky | 434 (408) | 10 (2.3%) | 9 | |
Bledsoe | 18–24 June 2012 | 48 | 1 | 1 |
Clay | 12–15 June 2010 | 30 | 0 | 0 |
Cumberland | 29 May–4 June 2010 | 75 | 6 | 12 |
DeKalb | 23–26 May 2008 | 40 | 0 | 0 |
Fentress | 11–17 June 2012 | 55 | 4 | 4 |
Jackson | 29 May–1 Jun 2009 | 40 | 1 | 0 |
Macon | 17–22 June 2013 | 32 | 0 | 0 |
Morgan | 1–8 June 2014 | 58 | 4 | 9 |
Overton | 23–29 May 2011 | 47 | 2 | 3 |
Pickett | 22–25 May 2009 | 24 | 0 | 0 |
Putnam | 6–12 June 2011 | 46 | 0 | 0 |
Scott | 9–24 June 2016 | 62 | 2 | 2 |
Smith | 15–25 June 2015 | 37 | 0 | 0 |
Van Buren | 13–15 June 2011 | 33 | 0 | 0 |
Warren | 1–10 June 2016 | 47 | 1 | 1 |
White | 1–6 June 2015 | 50 | 0 | 0 |
Tennessee | 724 (651) | 21 (2.9%) | 32 | |
Region | 1158 (c. 1059) | 31 (2.7%) | 41 |
* Because some foray blocks fall into two or three counties, the total of blocks in the Kentucky or Tennessee portions of the Region is less than the sum of the blocks in the counties of each portion of the Region; similarly, because some blocks fall into both states, the total of blocks for the Region is less than the sum of the blocks in the two states.
Remarks: There appears to be an atlas record of this species for Pickett County (Nicholson 1997). Some Regional records remain unlisted or incomplete above.
Check-lists of Birds for the Counties of the UCR
Check-lists of the birds of each county of the Upper Cumberland Region may be viewed by clicking on the links below. For each county, there are two check-lists: one list that shows the species that have been observed and where possible documented in the county within the larger list for the entire Region; and one list that includes only the species observed in the county with annotations for the date and observers for at least one sighting (the ultimate goal of the latter list will be to include annotations for the very first known Regional observation of each species in that county; this goal is probably one that will take many years to complete, if completion is even a possibility). To see if the species discussed in this species account has been observed in a county, click below or click on the link for the Map of UCR Distribution near the top of the page.
Barren | Metcalfe | Adair | Russell | Pulaski |
Monroe | Cumberland | Clinton | Wayne | McCreary |
Macon | Clay | Pickett | Fentress | Scott |
Smith | Jackson | Overton | Putnam | Morgan |
DeKalb | White | Cumberland | ||
Warren | Van Buren | Bledsoe |
Check-lists of Birds for Some Public Access Birding Sites of the UCR
Check-lists of the birds of some public access birding sites within the Upper Cumberland Region may be viewed via the links below. To see if the species dealt with in this species account has been observed within any of these sites, click on the appropriate link below. See the pages for each county within the Gazetteer for links to additional smaller public access birding sites with check-lists in progress.
Literature Cited