Results of Spring Bird Counts and Spring BirdBlitzes Conducted in the Upper Cumberland Region of Kentucky and TennesseeApril and May 2012

Barb Stedman conducting field work for a bird inventory of Stones River National Battlefield, Rutherford
County, Tennessee, 17 July 2003; photo Stephen J. Stedman.


The Regional birding counting effort this spring was dedicated to the memory of Barbara Hart Stedman, whose presence on Regional bird counts was missed for the first time in two decades.  Thanks to the compilers who agreed to this dedication.

    During the Regional Spring Bird Counts (SBC) and Spring BirdBlitzes (SBB) conducted this spring, 163 species were detected, well over half of the all-time species (313) recorded in the Region.  Some important results of these counts included the second Regional record of White-winged Dove in White County, TN, the first record having taken place only six days earlier in Bledsoe County; first county records in several counties, including the aforementioned dove and Snowy Egret in White County, Willet in Cumberland County, Henslow's Sparrow in Bledsoe County, Bobolink in Wayne County, and a hybrid Scissor-tailed Flycatcher X kingbird sp. in Putnam County.

    To go to the BirdPage, to the SBC Central Node, or to results for one of the counties where a SBC or SBB was conducted this spring, click on the appropriate link below:

    To see a map (Figure 1) depicting the location of counties in which a SBC or SBB was conducted this spring, click on the link below:


Table 1. Results of 2012 Spring Bird Counts (SBC) and Spring BirdBlitzes (SBB) in the Upper Cumberland Region.

County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
Date (April/May) 28 1 5 8 12 12
Number Field Observers * 9 7 11 5 15 7
Number Field Parties 6 4 5 4 6 6
Number Feederwatchers 0 0 0 0 2 0
Start CDT/EDT 0335 0400 0350 0542 0415 0530
End CDT/EDT 2000 1800 1900 1650 1940 2100
    Hours on Foot 16 2.75 7.5 3.5 14.5 8.75
    Hours by Car 46.5 29.25 49.25 31.25 58.5 42.75
Total Party Hours 62.5 32 56.75 34.75 73 51.5
    Miles on Foot 9.5 1 3.5 3.5 13 5
    Miles by Car 500.25 309 443 224 562 395
Total Party Miles 509.75 310 446.5 227.5 575 400
Owling Hours 4.5 2.25 3 0.75 2.5 1
Owling Miles 30.5 30 41.25 4 49.5 7
Feeder-watching Hours 0 0 0 0 1 0
Low Temperature (F) 57 59 60 64 53 50
High Temperature (F) 79 84 85 75 75 77
Wind Direction SSW SSW NA NA Var NA
Wind Speed (mph) 0–10 0–13 05 0–10 0–15 NA
Sky AM Partly Cloudy Partly Cloudy Overcast Cloudy Cloudy Mostly Cloudy
Sky PM Clear Partly Cloudy Clear Partly Cloudy Cloudy Mostly Cloudy
Precipitation AM None None Occ Showers Rain (2 hrs.) Occ Driz None
Precipitation PM  None Brief Shower None None Occ Driz None
Total Species 128 116 135 107 128 120
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
Canada Goose 107 56 148 22 271 68
Mute Swan 1 -- -- -- -- --
Wood Duck 23 6 40 10 20 27
Mallard 27 8 32 5 36 21
Blue-winged Teal 5 3 11 -- 2 1
Ring-necked Duck -- -- 1 -- 2 --
Bufflehead 1 1 -- -- -- --
Northern Bobwhite 5 6 21 5 22 18
Wild Turkey 7 5 25 11 22 6
Common Loon 1 -- -- 1 2 --
Double-crested Cormorant 3 -- 1 -- 2 --
Great Blue Heron 2 3 17 6 41 22
Great Egret -- 2 1 -- -- --
Snowy Egret -- -- 1 -- -- --
Green Heron 3 2 11 1 24 4
Yellow-crowned Night-Heron -- -- -- -- 1 ad. --
Black Vulture 4 3 149 15 19 10
Turkey Vulture 41 61 120 44 109 82
Osprey -- -- -- -- 1 --
Bald Eagle -- -- -- 1 im. 1 ad. 1 ad.
Northern Harrier -- -- 1 -- 1 --
Sharp-shinned Hawk -- -- -- -- 1 --
Cooper's Hawk 3 -- 5 1 6 2
Red-shouldered Hawk 11 2 12 1 15 2
Broad-winged Hawk 10 -- 5 1 4 --
Red-tailed Hawk 5 3 11 4 11 3
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
American Coot 5 -- 1 -- 4 --
Semipalmated Plover -- 1 8 -- -- --
Killdeer 23 22 48 12 40 11
Spotted Sandpiper 3 6 9 -- 24 2
Solitary Sandpiper 11 10 13 8 4 3
Greater Yellowlegs 1 2 10 -- -- --
Willet 21 -- -- -- -- --
Lesser Yellowlegs -- 3 10 -- 1 1
Least Sandpiper 1 9 4 22 -- 2
Semipalmated Sandpiper -- -- -- 2 -- --
Pectoral Sandpiper -- -- -- -- -- 2
Dowitcher sp. -- -- 5 -- -- --
Wilson's Snipe 3 -- 1 -- -- --
American Woodcock 1 -- -- -- -- --
Rock Pigeon 12 3 34 9 109 4
Eurasian Collared-Dove -- 4 11 3 1 --
Mourning Dove 155 107 339 191 472 177
White-winged Dove -- -- 1 -- -- --
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 1 7 6 2 6 3
Barn Owl -- 1 -- -- 2 --
Eastern Screech-Owl 1 8 2 -- 1 1
Great Horned Owl 2 2 2 -- -- --
Barred Owl 6 2 1 -- 9 --
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
Common Nighthawk -- -- 4 -- 2 1
Chuck-will's-widow 4 10 9 2 14 1
Eastern Whip-poor-will 46 4 33 3 -- 1
Chimney Swift 42 21 48 27 154 34
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 12 6 6 2 12 4
Belted Kingfisher 4 1 3 1 10 3
Red-headed Woodpecker 12 5 19 7 16 13
Red-bellied Woodpecker 37 47 70 31 88 27
Downy Woodpecker 9 7 13 11 24 14
Hairy Woodpecker -- 2 3 1 8 1
Northern Flicker 10 6 8 12 20 21
Pileated Woodpecker 33 9 17 6 35 15
American Kestrel 9 6 11 8 14 10
Olive-sided Flycatcher -- -- -- -- 2 --
Eastern Wood-Pewee 15 27 81 49 87 48
Acadian Flycatcher 4 9 27 12 82 14
Empidonax sp. -- -- 1 -- -- --
Eastern Phoebe 56 26 46 17 64 16
Great Crested Flycatcher 39 23 66 27 62 28
Eastern Kingbird 52 27 81 40 98 37
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher -- 12 -- -- -- --
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher hybrid -- -- -- -- 1 --
Loggerhead Shrike -- -- 2 -- 3 --
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
White-eyed Vireo 103 44 56 47 135 45
Yellow-throated Vireo 33 23 27 19 36 13
Blue-headed Vireo 11 4 5 -- 5 2
Warbling Vireo -- -- 1 -- -- 1
Philadelphia Vireo -- -- 1 -- -- --
Red-eyed Vireo 370 233 249 106 442 134
Blue Jay 76 44 76 42 119 57
American Crow 206 135 179 114 331 143
Horned Lark 1 -- 6 -- 1 1
Purple Martin 76 53 101 84 110 114
Tree Swallow 48 5 26 9 29 17
N. Rough-winged Swallow 20 11 32 16 48 24
Bank Swallow 2 -- -- -- 2 --
Cliff Swallow -- 51 19 -- 8 26
Barn Swallow 152 108 212 89 250 106
Carolina Chickadee 93 44 51 45 88 49
Tufted Titmouse 117 104 163 78 183 93
White-breasted Nuthatch 30 20 16 6 24 13
Brown-headed Nuthatch -- -- -- -- 2 --
House Wren 23 3 10 6 21 7
Carolina Wren 130 84 163 114 208 71
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 127 65 105 66 152 44
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 4 1 -- -- -- --
Eastern Bluebird 124 92 193 67 334 81
Gray-cheeked Thrush -- -- 1 -- -- --
Swainson's Thrush 2 -- 1 2 4 6
Hermit Thrush -- -- 1 -- -- --
Wood Thrush 62 32 32 28 68 45
American Robin 410 82 210 359 647 490
Gray Catbird 26 3 9 11 11 10
Northern Mockingbird 88 105 290 73 250 92
Brown Thrasher 52 29 39 23 68 27
European Starling 425 151 731 519 2451 1014
Cedar Waxwing 104 71 51 10 248 31
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
Ovenbird 133 39 38 21 37 44
Worm-eating Warbler 20 11 4 4 9 2
Louisiana Waterthrush 7 6 10 -- 20 --
Northern Waterthrush -- 2 1 -- -- --
Golden-winged Warbler 1 -- -- -- -- --
Blue-winged Warbler 9 -- -- 10 17 7
Black-and-white Warbler 104 27 26 10 16 18
Prothonotary Warbler -- -- 2 -- 7 1
Swainson's Warbler -- -- -- -- -- 3
Tennessee Warbler 3 4 -- 2 1 1
Nashville Warbler 1 -- -- -- 1 3
Kentucky Warbler 37 17 25 24 83 22
Common Yellowthroat 125 67 98 67 174 75
Hooded Warbler 179 51 47 41 73 88
American Redstart 19 8 1 5 50 7
Cape May Warbler 1 -- -- 1 -- --
Cerulean Warbler 6 -- 1 3 32 2
Northern Parula 25 16 35 6 73 12
Magnolia Warbler 5 -- 1 -- 2 1
Bay-breasted Warbler -- -- 2 2 1 3
Blackburnian Warbler 2 -- 1 -- 1 1
Yellow Warbler 11 4 2 2 24 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler 6 -- 3 2 -- 5
Blackpoll Warbler -- 11 5 1 7 2
Palm Warbler 4 3 -- -- -- --
Pine Warbler 24 8 8 8 10 11
Yellow-rumped Warbler 39 4 -- -- -- --
Yellow-throated Warbler 55 35 35 17 50 9
Prairie Warbler 103 58 45 34 34 85
Black-throated Green Warbler 19 2 6 4 -- 8
Canada Warbler 1 -- 1 1 -- --
Wilson's Warbler -- -- -- -- -- 1
Yellow-breasted Chat 105 53 60 66 89 59
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY
Eastern Towhee 100 33 77 64 149 77
Chipping Sparrow 156 56 140 64 165 30
Field Sparrow 107 85 105 69 134 67
Savannah Sparrow 10 2 4 -- 1 2
Grasshopper Sparrow 11 8 15 8 20 2
Henslow's Sparrow -- 1 6 -- -- 7
Song Sparrow 149 60 87 60 135 78
Swamp Sparrow 1 -- -- -- -- --
White-throated Sparrow 14 -- -- -- -- 1
Summer Tanager 5 14 63 35 88 20
Scarlet Tanager 61 41 36 9 33 29
Northern Cardinal 214 127 281 163 339 162
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 14 1 3 6 6 5
Blue Grosbeak 30 30 56 18 42 9
Indigo Bunting 306 303 500 218 459 153
Dickcissel -- 1 17 1 8 1
Bobolink 2 15 8 1 22 --
Red-winged Blackbird 381 180 415 145 511 303
Eastern Meadowlark 299 216 418 97 324 148
Common Grackle 59 71 191 114 201 279
Brown-headed Cowbird 74 40 137 106 231 123
Orchard Oriole 28 17 53 24 65 13
Baltimore Oriole 4 -- 1 -- 2 9
House Finch 33 14 19 9 61 32
American Goldfinch 109 16 51 66 98 71
House Sparrow 56 41 102 35 70 45
Total Individuals 7091 3990 7963 4209 12332 5658
Total Species 128 116 135 107 128 120
County Cumberland, TN Bledsoe, TN White, TN Wayne, KY Putnam, TN Pulaski, KY

* Observers on the Cumberland Co., TN, Spring Bird Count:

Bruce F. Anderson
Nan E. Beesley
John Cyrus
Douglas A. Downs
Annell S. Fields
Edmund K. LeGrand,  compiler
Thomas M. Saya
Stephen J. Stedman
Winston A. Walden

* Observers on the Bledsoe County, TN, Spring BirdBlitz:

Janie C. Finch
Ronald D. Hoff
Edmund K. LeGrand, compiler
Dolly Ann Myers
Thomas M. Saya
Stephen J. Stedman
Winston A. Walden

* Observers on the White County, TN, Spring Bird Count:

Daniel L. Combs
Douglas A. Downs, compiler
Judy C. Fuson
Peggy B. Huffstetler
Edmund K. LeGrand
Michael P. O'Rourke
Michelle S. O'Rourke
Thomas M. Saya
Stephen J. Stedman
Winston A. Walden
Carol D. Williams

* Observers on the Wayne Co., KY, Spring BirdBlitz:

Granville Cox
Roseanna M. Denton, compiler
C. Gay Hodges
Arlene M. Morton
Stephen J. Stedman

* Observers on the Putnam County, TN, Spring Bird Count:

Douglas A. Downs
Janie C. Finch, compiler
Richard C. Finch (FW)
Judy C. Fuson
Michael J. Hawkins
Linda Henderson
Merritt Ireland
Nancy S. Layzer
Edmund K. LeGrand
Michael P. O'Rourke
Michelle S. O'Rourke (FW)
Susan E. Pirolo
Thomas M. Saya
Richard W. Simmers, Jr.
Stephen J. Stedman
Winston A. Walden
Carol D. Williams

* Observers on the Pulaski County, KY, Spring Bird Count:

Granville Cox
Thelma Cox
Roseanna M. Denton, compiler
C. Gay Hodges
Laura Kamperman
Arlene M. Morton
Laura Obiso


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