Central Node for UCR Foray in DeKalb County, Tennessee—23–26 May 2008
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The best form of breeding evidence for Cedar Waxwing observed during the 2008 UCR Foray in DeKalb County involved adults gathering or carrying nest material, a behavior captured here just a few days following the foray on Student's Home Rd., a now famous birding site in that county; photo Judy C. Fuson (29 May 2008). |
The 2008 UCR Foray conducted in DeKalb County 23–26 May 2008 was the first of its kind to take place in that county. Observers taking part in this first foray in DeKalb County are listed at the Raw Data page (link below)..
The general protocol for conducting a foray in the UCR may be consulted at a page accessible via this link:
A map (Figure 1) showing major roadways and watercourses in DeKalb County is accessible via the following link:
A physiographic map (Figure 2) of DeKalb County, showing the location of the USGS quadrangles that coincide with it, is accessible via the link below:
To see a map (Figure 3a) showing the 40 "blocks" (i.e., areas consisting of one-sixth of a USGS quadrangle) that were surveyed during the 2008 UCR Foray in DeKalb County or to see a map (Figure 4) showing the 14 blocks in DeKalb County that received some survey effort during the 1986–1991 Tennessee Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA) project (Nicholson 1997), click on the appropriate link below:
The focal species of the 2008 UCR Foray in DeKalb County were the Loggerhead Shrike and the Cerulean Warbler. The shrike has a small and probably decreasing population in DeKalb County. Shrikes were detected in only two of the county's forty blocks, and each block where it was found was a block containing a previously known site for this species. The warbler has a rather large county population that mostly inhabits the steep, wooded hillsides surrounding Center Hill Lake; this population of Ceruleans probably numbers 100–200 pairs, but getting a better handle on the size of the population was a task of this foray effort that did not come to complete fruition.
Table 1. Species (112) detected during the UCR Foray in DeKalb County 23–26 May 2008 and species (95) detected during the 1986–1991 Tennessee Breeding Bird Atlas (BBA) project (Nicholson 1997). To view a map of the distribution and abundance for any of the species listed below, click on its underlined alpha code in the second column from the left; links to maps are also available by clicking on the alpha codes at the top and bottom of each section of the Raw Data page (link below).
Color Coding of Species Names:
Breeding Categories and Codes:
Alpha Code (See Also Page with Raw Data) | Total Blocks where Recorded (of 40 Possible) | Total Individuals Recorded during Day or Night "Counting Period" | Highest Breeding Category and Code Detected | Detected during TN BBA (1986-1991) | |
Canada Goose | CAGO | 9 | 46 | POS–X | X |
Wood Duck | WODU | 7 | 4 | CON–FL | X |
Mallard | MALL | 4 | 6 | PRB–P | X |
Northern Bobwhite | NOBO | 22 | 60 | CON–FL | X |
Wild Turkey | WITU | 8 | 8 | CON–FL | X |
Rock Pigeon | ROPI | 11 | 36 | POS–X | X |
Eurasian Collared-Dove | ECDO | 1 | 2 | POS–X | -- |
Mourning Dove | MODO | 38 | 398 | CON–ON | X |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | YBCU | 24 | 32 | POS–X | X |
Common Nighthawk * | CONI | 3 | 5 | POS–X | X |
Chuck-will's-widow * | CWWI | 11 | 24 | POS–X | -- |
Eastern Whip-poor-will * | WPWI | 3 | 7 | POS–X | -- |
Chimney Swift | CHSW | 30 | 89 | CON–CN | X |
Ruby-throated Hummingbird | RTHU | 15 | 22 | CON–CN | X |
Killdeer | KILL | 27 | 80 | CON–FL | X |
American Woodcock * | AMWO | 1 | 1 | POS–X | -- |
Spotted Sandpiper | SPSA | 1 | 0 | Transient | -- |
Common Tern | COTE | 1 | 0 | Transient | -- |
Common Loon | COLO | 1 | 2 | Transient | -- |
Great Blue Heron | GTBH | 12 | 11 | CON–ON | X |
Green Heron | GRHE | 9 | 11 | POS–X | X |
Black Vulture | BLVU | 22 | 46 | POS–X | X |
Turkey Vulture | TUVU | 37 | 191 | POS–X | X |
Sharp-shinned Hawk | SSHA | -- | -- | -- | X |
Cooper's Hawk | COHA | 4 | 4 | POS–X | -- |
Bald Eagle | BAEA | 1 | 0 | CON–NY | -- |
Mississippi Kite | MIKI | 1 | 1 | Transient | -- |
Red-shouldered Hawk | RSHA | 8 | 10 | POS–X | X |
Broad-winged Hawk | BWHA | 10 | 16 | POS–X | X |
Red-tailed Hawk | RTHA | 14 | 14 | POS–X | X |
Eastern Screech-Owl * | EASO | 2 | 2 | POS–X | X |
Great Horned Owl * | GHOW | 1 | 1 | POS–X | X |
Barred Owl * | BDOW | 7 | 6 | POS–X | X |
Belted Kingfisher | BEKI | 5 | 1 | POS–X | X |
Red-headed Woodpecker | RHWO | 6 | 5 | POS–X | X |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | RBWO | 37 | 127 | CON–FL | X |
Downy Woodpecker | DOWO | 16 | 11 | CON–FL | X |
Hairy Woodpecker | HAWO | 6 | 6 | POS–X | X |
Northern Flicker | NOFL | 13 | 13 | POS–X | X |
Pileated Woodpecker | PIWO | 25 | 46 | POS–X | X |
American Kestrel | AMKE | 11 | 16 | PRB–P | X |
Great Crested Flycatcher | GCFL | 35 | 78 | CON–CN | X |
Eastern Kingbird | EAKI | 33 | 105 | CON–FY | X |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | EAWP | 39 | 189 | POS–X | X |
Acadian Flycatcher | ACFL | 28 | 151 | POS–X | X |
Eastern Phoebe | EAPH | 37 | 147 | CON–ON | X |
Loggerhead Shrike | LOSH | 2 | 3 | CON--NY | X |
White-eyed Vireo | WEVI | 38 | 234 | POS–X | X |
Yellow-throated Vireo | YTVI | 29 | 66 | POS–X | X |
Warbling Vireo | WAVI | 1 | 1 | POS–X | -- |
Red-eyed Vireo | REVI | 37 | 562 | POS–X | X |
Blue Jay | BLJA | 35 | 115 | CON–FY | X |
American Crow | AMCR | 38 | 263 | CON–FL | X |
Horned Lark | HOLA | 1 | 0 | POS–X | X |
Purple Martin | PUMA | 14 | 132 | CON–ON | X |
Tree Swallow | TRES | 4 | 4 | POS–X | -- |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | NRWS | 22 | 80 | CON–ON | X |
Cliff Swallow | CLSW | 11 | 295 | CON–ON | X |
Barn Swallow | BARS | 37 | 346 | CON–NY | X |
Carolina Chickadee | CACH | 33 | 90 | CON–FL | X |
Tufted Titmouse | ETTI | 38 | 223 | POS–X | X |
White-breasted Nuthatch | WBNU | 17 | 47 | CON–UN | X |
House Wren | HOWR | 5 | 8 | POS–X | -- |
Carolina Wren | CARW | 39 | 282 | CON–FL | X |
Bewick's Wren | BEWR | -- | -- | -- | X |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | BGGN | 36 | 227 | CON–ON | X |
Eastern Bluebird | EABL | 39 | 372 | CON–FL | X |
Wood Thrush | WOTH | 28 | 133 | CON–FY | X |
American Robin | AMRO | 35 | 318 | CON–FL | X |
Gray Catbird | GRCA | 13 | 23 | POS–X | X |
Brown Thrasher | BRTH | 30 | 88 | CON–FY | X |
Northern Mockingbird | NOMO | 37 | 354 | CON–FY | X |
European Starling | EUST | 34 | 1120 | CON–NE | X |
Cedar Waxwing | CEDW | 24 | 132 | CON–CN | X |
House Sparrow | HOSP | 25 | 157 | CON–ON | X |
House Finch | HOFI | 15 | 30 | CON–FY | -- |
American Goldfinch | AMGO | 37 | 147 | PRB–P | X |
Eastern Towhee | EATO | 40 | 168 | POS–X | X |
Chipping Sparrow | CHSP | 39 | 293 | CON–NY | X |
Field Sparrow | FISP | 40 | 391 | CON–BG | X |
Grasshopper Sparrow | GRSP | 9 | 31 | POS–X | X |
Henslow's Sparrow | HESP | 4 | 5 | POS–X | -- |
Song Sparrow | SOSP | 29 | 164 | POS–X | X |
Yellow-breasted Chat | YBCH | 37 | 186 | CON–FY | X |
Eastern Meadowlark | EAME | 34 | 385 | CON–FY | X |
Orchard Oriole | OROR | 27 | 90 | PRB–P | X |
Baltimore Oriole | BAOR | 1 | 0 | POS–X | -- |
Red-winged Blackbird | RWBL | 32 | 234 | PRB–P | X |
Brown-headed Cowbird | BHCO | 38 | 150 | CON–FL | X |
Common Grackle | COGR | 32 | 224 | CON–FY | X |
Ovenbird | OVEN | 10 | 31 | POS–X | X |
Worm-eating Warbler | WEWA | 6 | 13 | POS–X | X |
Louisiana Waterthrush | LOWA | 13 | 23 | CON–FY | X |
Blue-winged Warbler | BWWA | 11 | 29 | CON–FY | X |
Black-and-white Warbler | BAWW | 5 | 8 | POS–X | X |
Prothonotary Warbler | PROW | 4 | 3 | CON–FS | X |
Connecticut Warbler | CONW | 1 | 1 | Transient | -- |
Kentucky Warbler | KEWA | 23 | 60 | POS–X | X |
Common Yellowthroat | COYE | 39 | 330 | POS–X | X |
Hooded Warbler | HOWA | 22 | 58 | POS–X | X |
American Redstart | AMRE | 8 | 14 | POS–X | X |
Cerulean Warbler | CERW | 15 | 37 | PRB–T | X |
Northern Parula | NOPA | 29 | 112 | POS–X | X |
Yellow Warbler | YWAR | 7 | 13 | POS–X | X |
Blackpoll Warbler | BLPW | 1 | 0 | Transient | -- |
Pine Warbler | PIWA | 3 | 3 | POS–X | X |
Yellow-throated Warbler | YTWA | 21 | 62 | PRB–P | X |
Prairie Warbler | PRAW | 34 | 106 | POS–X | X |
Summer Tanager | SUTA | 38 | 139 | POS–X | X |
Scarlet Tanager | SCTA | 19 | 36 | POS–X | X |
Northern Cardinal | NOCA | 40 | 370 | CON–FY | X |
Blue Grosbeak | BLGR | 29 | 89 | CON–CN | X |
Indigo Bunting | INBU | 40 | 854 | CON–FY | X |
Dickcissel | DICK | 6 | 54 | CON–CN | -- |
Total | 12650 | ||||
Total Hours:Minutes of Effort | 116:31 | ||||
Possible Breeding Species | 52 | ||||
Probable Breeding Species | 7 | ||||
Confirmed Breeding Species | 47 | ||||
Total Breeding Species | 106 | 95 | |||
Total Transient Species | 6 | 0 | |||
Total Species | 112 | 95 | |||
* Numerical data reflect results from 10 night counting periods.
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