Butterflies Occurring in Putnam County, Tennessee: Whites
If the common and scientific names below are followed by an asterisk, a photograph of the species is placed after the list; two asterisks indicate two photographs, etc. All photographs are from sites in Putnam County, Tennessee.
Checkered White (Pontia protodice)
Adult below, photographed at City Lake 16 July 2002; photo SJS. |
Adult female (above) and male, both shown above, photographed at Shipley Farm 17 October 2001; photo SJS. |
West Virginia White (Pieris virginiensis)
Adult female above photographed in western Putnam County 4 April 2009; photo SJS. |
Adult male below photographed in western Putnam County 4 April 2009; photo SJS. |
Cabbage White (Pieris rapae)
Male above, photographed in western Putnam County 15 September 2001; photo Carol D. Williams. |
Adult below, photographed at City Lake 15 July 2002; photo SJS. |
Falcate Orangetip (Anthocharis midea)
Adult male above and below, photographed in western Putnam Co., 18 April 2003; photo SJS. |
Adult female above and below, photographed in western Putnam Co. 12 April 2003; photo SJS. |
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