Butterflies Occurring in Putnam County, Tennessee: Snouts, Monarchs, Fritillaries, Checkerspots, Crescents, and Anglewings


    If the common and scientific names below are followed by an asterisk, a photograph of the species is placed after the list; two asterisks indicate two photographs, etc.  All photographs are from sites in Putnam County, Tennessee.

American Snout (Libytheana carinenta)

Adult below, photographed near City Lake 29 June 2006; photo SJS.


Monarch (Danaus plexippus)

Adult below, photographed at City Lake 4 August 2007; photo SJS.
Male above, photographed in western Putnam County 15 September 2001; photo Carol D. Williams.


Gulf Fritillary (Agraulis vanillae)

Adult below, photographed in Cane Creek Park 4 October 2001; photo SJS.
Adult above, photographed near City Lake 14 October 2007; photo SJS.


Variegated Fritillary (Euptoieta claudia)

Adult above, photographed at Shipley Farm 17 October 2001; photo SJS


Diana Fritillary (Speyeria diana)

Adult male above, photographed near City Lake 9 July 2003; photo SJS


Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)

Adult above, photographed near City Lake 2 August 2002; photo SJS.
Adult below, photographed near City Lake 3 August 2002; photo SJS.


Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis)

Adult above, photographed 28 August 2007 at City Lake; photo SJS.
Adult below, photographed in western Putnam Co. 11 May 2002; photo SJS.


Pearl Crescent (Phycoides tharus)

Copulating adults above, photographed near City Lake fall 2001; photo SJS.


Baltimore Checkerspot (Euphydryas phaeton)

Adult above, photographed on Spring Creek Rd. 8 May 2003; photo SJS.


Common Buckeye (Junonia coenia)

Adult above, photographed in Cane Creek Park 3 October 2001; photo SJS.


Question Mark (Polygonia interrogationis)

Adult below, photographed near City Lake 8 September 2002; photo SJS.


Eastern Comma (Polygonia comma)

Adult below, photographed near City Lake 14 September 2002; photo SJS.
Adult above, photographed near City Lake 25 August 2002; photo SJS.


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