Birds of Putnam County, Tennessee: Observers Contributing to Knowledge of Putnam County Birds
The list below includes the names of all observers who ever contributed in any way to the accumulation of bird data for Putnam County. The list is surely incomplete, so if you notice any omissions or errors, please draw them to my attention.
Persons whose names below are in bold-faced type and whose names are followed by initials are cited by their initials more than once in the species accounts. Persons whose names are in bold-faced type without following initials are usually cited by their spelled out name a single time in the species accounts (or they are cited in relation to just one kind of record if their spelled out names appear more than once in the species accounts). Persons whose names are in light-faced type without following initials are not cited in the species accounts, but they have contributed to knowledge of the county's birds in some other manner in the past.
In the species accounts, some sets of letters appear to look like personal initials but are actually codes for types of group effort or are codes for other sources of bird data; these follow:
BBC—data resulting from Breeding Bird Census.
BBL—data derived from Bird Banding Laboratory records
BBS—data resulting from Breeding Bird Survey
BIO—specimen housed in the Biology Department at Tennessee Technological University.
CBC—data resulting from Christmas Bird Count.
FBC—data resulting from Fall Bird Count.
GBBC—data resulting from Great Backyard Bird Count.
SBC—data resulting from Spring Bird Count.
SRS—data resulting from Summer Roadside Survey.
WBPS—data resulting from Winter Bird Population Study.
WRS—data resulting from Winter Roadside Survey.
Name | Initials |
Chris Agee | |
Eleanor Alexander | |
O. R. Alexander | |
Greg Archer | |
Kris Ballinger | |
Mary Barbour | |
Lee Barclay | |
Mary Bennett | |
Phillip Bettoli | |
Michael G. Beykirch | MGB |
Kris Bolin | |
Heather Bolte | |
Mrs. George Boyd | |
T. J. Bradshaw | |
Stella Breeding | |
Michael A. Breen | |
Betty Bright | BB |
Harold Bright | HB |
Sharon Brines | SB |
Wally Brines | WB |
Carol J. Brown | CJB |
Virginia Brown | |
William Brown | |
Claude Bruce | |
Frank J. Bulow | |
Terry M. Campbell | |
Lida Cannella | |
Jason Carbaugh | |
Eileen Cartwright | |
Jean Cashion | |
Michelle Cashion | |
Richard Cashion | |
Leonardo Chavez | LC |
Beulah Clark | |
W. R. Cole | |
Daniel L. Combs | DLC |
Ivan L. Cordrey | ILC |
Sam B. Coward | |
Kathryn Coward | |
Dot Crawford | |
W. Glen Crawford | |
J. Paul Crawford | |
Lillian Crawford | |
Darcie A. Cripps | |
Compton Crook | |
Frances Crossman | |
Lorne M. Crossman | |
Joe Crumpacker | |
Charles Crumpler | |
Edwina Cummins | |
John O. Cummins | |
D. Ann Davis | |
Helen B. Deese | |
Douglas A. Downs | DAD |
Bettie Doyle | |
Lucius Dubose | |
Neil Dziepak | |
Mrs. R. Dunckel | |
Ralph L. Dunckel | RLD |
Carol Eagle | |
Don Eagle | |
Florence Earhart | |
Tommy A. Edwards | TAE |
Dale D. Ensor | |
Ginger K. Ensor | GKE |
Drew Fedak | |
Joseph Fields | |
Janie C. Finch | JCF |
Richard C. Finch | |
Frank Fiss | |
R. E. Folkerth | |
Susan H. Ford | SHF |
Jane Frazier | JF |
Joyce Fry | |
Judy C. Fuson | JuF |
Kathleen Gardner | |
W. Howard Groce | WHG |
Ken Gum | |
Louann I. Gum | LIG |
Caprice Haile | |
James Haile | |
Van Harris | |
J. David Hassler | |
Robbie C. Hassler | |
Michael J. Hawkins | MJH |
Mary Hays | |
Steven E. Hayslette | |
Jane E. B. Herrin | |
Hope High | |
Raymond D. High | |
Delorus Hinds | |
Roy T. Hinds | |
Margo Hinkle | MH |
Michael Hodge | |
Ethel Hogan | |
Paul L. Hollister | |
James Holt | |
Ernst R. Holzhausen | |
Steve Holzman | |
Emma Hood | |
Stan Hood | SH |
Carolyn Huddleston | |
David Hume | DaH |
Kay Hume | |
Katrina H. Hunter | |
M. R. Hurst | |
Maxey Irwin | |
Frazier Jacques | |
Jimmy Jacques | |
Nancy Jarrell | |
Amy S. Johnson | ASJ |
Jeff Johnson | |
Britt Jones | |
William J. Jones | WJJ |
O. Ray Jordan | |
Graham S. Kash | GSK |
Holly Kash | |
Peggy Kilgore | |
Elizabeth Killefer | |
Gladys Knight | |
Daniel Knott | |
Kay Knott | |
John Lane | |
Julie Lane | |
Mildred Lassiter | |
Nancy S. Layzer | NSL |
Arville N. Lee | |
Kenneth Leggett | |
Edmund K. LeGrand | EKL |
Helen Lewis | |
Michael Lewis | |
William Lewis | |
Rosalie Link | |
T. B. Link | |
Tom Link | |
Joe Liu | |
Claren Loftis | |
Mrs. Dave Maddux | |
Ronnie L. Magnuson | |
Charlotte Mannle | |
Anita F. Mast | |
Joseph E. Mast | |
Marjorie McGee | |
Sidney McGee | |
Marty McKnight | |
Theodore McKnight | |
Portia McMillan | |
Josie McQuail | |
Mozelle Medley | |
Amy Mercer | |
Deb Mignogno | |
Nora Miller | |
Jonathan Mills | JM |
Lynda M. Mills | |
Thomas B. Mills | |
Annice Moore | |
R. J. Moore | |
Maurice Morehead | |
Kenneth L. Morgan | KLM |
Janet North-Liu | |
Martin Nowak | |
Michael P. O'Rourke | MPO |
Handley "Ozzie" Oswalt | |
John C. Owens | |
Nicki A. Panter | |
Pam Pate | |
Lynda Perry | |
Suzanne Perry | |
Constance Peterson | |
Mary Peterson | |
Julie A. Pharr | |
Roy C. Phillips | |
Susan E. Pirolo | |
Trisha D. Poling | |
Margaret Prescott | |
Michele Ramsey | MR |
Helen Redding | |
Michael Redding | |
Phillip Redding | |
Traci Richter | |
Miser R. Richmond | |
Timothy R. Riddle | |
Thomas H. Roberts | THR |
John C. Robinson | |
Ken Rogers | |
Dena Russell | |
Ann M. Sanders | AMS |
Michael A. Sanders | MAS |
Thomas M. Saya | TMS |
JoAnne T. Schaefer | |
Shayne Schaefer | |
Jeanne C. Schmitzer | |
Frederick C. de Schweinitz | |
Milos Sebor | |
S. H. Shaw | |
Jim Simek | |
Richard W. Simmers, Jr. | RWS |
Jez Simms | |
Chris Sloan | |
Tim Smith | |
Louise Snelgrove | |
Sue Snelgrove | |
Annette Snow | AS |
Barbara H. Stedman | BHS |
Stephen J. Stedman | SJS |
Abraham Steiner | |
E. J. Stewart | |
John Stites | |
Evelyne Stites | |
Vivian Stricklin | |
David Sugeno | |
Patty Sullivan | |
Roy Sullivan | |
Kim Tarter | |
Jan Tate | |
Holly Taylor | HT |
Mark Taylor | MT |
Thelma Tinnon | |
Edith Toline | |
Francis R. Toline | |
Robert Toline | |
Mark Vance | |
Joseph W. Wahl | JWW |
Catherine E. Walden | CEW |
Winston A. Walden | WAW |
Carrell A. Warren | |
Chrissa Wendt | |
Denise M. Weyer | |
Marie White | |
Fanny Whitlow | |
Carol D. Williams | CDW |
Evelyn Williams | |
Florence Williams | |
Morris D. Williams | |
Joyce Wright | |
D. C. Wrinn | |
Reuben J. Yoder |
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