Birds and Butterflies Observed along Cumberland Trail State Park—Grassy Cove (Brady Mt. and Black Mt. Sections) and Catoosa WMA Segments—June 2001–Present by Stephen J. Stedman (SJS).
For directions to these locations, go to this website:
I. Birds
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Ruffed Grouse, photographed along the Cumberland Trail on Brady Mt., Grassy Cove Segment, Cumberland Co., TN, 20 May 2002; photo SJS. |
x = bird species observed on segment or section of trail
* = breeding confirmed
Bird Species | Trail Segment |
Grassy Cove |
Catoosa WMA |
Brady | Black | ||
Mt. | Mt. | ||
Ruffed Grouse | x | ||
Wild Turkey | x | ||
Great Blue Heron | x | ||
Turkey Vulture | x | x | x |
Cooper's Hawk | x | ||
Broad-winged Hawk | x | x * | x |
Red-tailed Hawk | x | x | |
Mourning Dove | x | x | |
Yellow-billed Cuckoo | x | ||
Eastern Whip-poor-will | x | ||
Chimney Swift | x | ||
Ruby-thr. Hummingbird | x | x | x |
Red-bellied Woodpecker | x | x | x |
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker | x | x | |
Downy Woodpecker | x | x | |
Hairy Woodpecker | x | x | x |
Northern Flicker | x | x | |
Pileated Woodpecker | x | x | x |
Eastern Wood-Pewee | x | x | |
Acadian Flycatcher | x | ||
Eastern Phoebe | x | x | |
Great Crested Flycatcher | x | ||
Yellow-throated Vireo | x | x | |
Blue-headed Vireo | x | x | x |
Philadelphia Vireo | x | x | |
Red-eyed Vireo | x | x | x |
Blue Jay | x | x | x |
American Crow | x | x | x |
Purple Martin | x | x | |
N. Rough-winged Swallow | x | ||
Carolina Chickadee | x | x | x |
Tufted Titmouse | x | x | x |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | x | x | |
White-breasted Nuthatch | x | x | |
Brown Creeper | x | ||
Carolina Wren | x | x | x |
Winter Wren | x | x | |
Golden-crowned Kinglet | x | ||
Ruby-crowned Kinglet | x | x | |
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher | x | x | |
Eastern Bluebird | x | ||
Veery | x | ||
Gray-cheeked Thrush | x | ||
Swainson's Thrush | x | ||
Hermit Thrush | x | ||
Wood Thrush | x | x | |
American Robin | x | x | |
Brown Thrasher | x | ||
European Starling | x | ||
Cedar Waxwing | x | x | |
Tennessee Warbler | x | x | |
Nashville Warbler | x | ||
Northern Parula | x | ||
Chestnut-sided Warbler | x | x | |
Magnolia Warbler | x | x | |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | x | x | |
Black-thr. Green Warbler | x | x | x |
Blackburnian Warbler | x | ||
Yellow-throated Warbler | x | x | |
Pine Warbler | x | ||
Palm Warbler | x | ||
Bay-breasted Warbler | x | ||
Blackpoll Warbler | x | ||
Cerulean Warbler | x | ||
Black-and-white Warbler | x * | x | x |
American Redstart | x | ||
Worm-eating Warbler | x | x | |
Ovenbird | x * | x | |
Louisiana Waterthrush | x | ||
Kentucky Warbler | x | ||
Common Yellowthroat | x | ||
Hooded Warbler | x | x | x |
Yellow-breasted Chat | x | x | |
Eastern Towhee | x | x | |
Chipping Sparrow | x | ||
Field Sparrow | x | ||
Fox Sparrow | x | ||
Song Sparrow | x | ||
White-throated Sparrow | x | x | |
Dark-eyed Junco | x | ||
Scarlet Tanager | x | x | |
Northern Cardinal | x | x | x |
Rose-breasted Grosbeak | x | ||
Indigo Bunting | x | x | |
Common Grackle | x | ||
Brown-headed Cowbird | x | x | |
Baltimore Oriole | x | ||
House Finch | x | ||
Pine Siskin | x | ||
American Goldfinch | x | x | |
Hikes on/Visits to Grassy Cove Segment:
23 June
2001 (Black Mt. only); 0600–1030 CDT; 29 species
5 September 2001 (Black Mt. only);
1337–1527 CDT; 19 species
2 April
2002 (Rt. 68 to Jewett Rd. and back); 0900–1735 CST; 27 species
10 April 2002 (Rt. 68 to top of Black
Mt. and back); 1130–1715 CDT; 36 species
28 April 2002 (Rt. 68 for c. 5 miles
on Brady Mt. and back); 0545–1116 CDT; 49 species
8 May 2002 (Rt. 68 for 1 mile on
Brady Mt. and for 2 miles on Black Mt.); 1330–2030 CDT;
with D. L. Combs; 33 species
20 May 2002 (Rt. 68 for c. 5
miles on Brady Mt. and back; 0530–0945 CDT; 43 species
20 May 2002 (top of Black Mt.); 1330–1450 CDT; 24 species
27 October 2002 (Rt. 68 for c. 5
miles south on Brady Mt.); 0900–1200 CST; 26 species
27 April 2003 (top of Black Mt.
only); 0800–1000 CDT; 23 species
3 October 2004 (4.4 miles of Brady
Mt.), 0800–1315 CDT, with E. K. LeGrand; 38 species
6 June 2006 (8 miles—all of Brady
Mt.), 1530–2100 CDT, with Joseph E. Mast, 33 species.
21 December 2006 (10 miles—all of
Brady Mt. and half of Black Mt.), 0600–1530 CST, 26 species
17 May 2007 (8 miles—all of Brady
Mt.), 0750–1305 CDT, with Jim McCullough, 36 species
Hikes on/Visits to Catoosa WMA Segment:
August 2003 (from DBT about 0.5 mi and from Nemo about 2 mi; 0842–0930 and
CDT; 20 species; with E. K. LeGrand)
II. Butterflies
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Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor) below, photographed
on the Cumberland Trail on Brady Mt., Cumberland Co., TN, 8 May 2002; photo SJS. |
x = butterfly species observed on segment or section of the trail
* = butterfly species photographed on segment or section of the trail
Butterfly Species | Trail Segment |
Grassy Cove |
Catoosa WMA |
Brady | Black | ||
Mt. | Mt. | ||
Pipevine Swallowtail | * | ||
Zebra Swallowtail | x | x | |
Black Swallowtail | * | ||
Eastern Tiger Swallowtail | * | x | x |
Spicebush Swallowtail | x | ||
West Virginia White | * | ||
Falcate Orangetip | x | ||
Clouded Sulfur | x | ||
Cloudless Sulfur | x | ||
Brown Elfin | x | ||
Henry's Elfin | * | ||
Red-banded Hairstreak | * | ||
Eastern Tailed-Blue | x | ||
Spring/Summer Azure | x | * | |
Great Spangled Fritillary | x | ||
Pearl Crescent | x | ||
Eastern Comma | x | * | |
Mourning Cloak | x | * | |
Red Admiral | * | ||
Common Buckeye | x | ||
Red-spotted Admiral | x | x | |
Gemmed Satyr | x | x | |
Carolina Satyr | x | ||
Little Wood-Satyr | x | * | |
Silver-spotted Skipper | x | x | |
Hoary Edge | * | x | |
Northern Cloudywing | * | ||
Juvenal's Duskywing | * | ||
Common Roadside-Skipper | x | ||
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Female Juvenal's Duskywing (Erynnis juvenalis) below, photographed along Cumberland Trail on Black Mt., Grassy Cove Segment, Cumberland Co., TN, 10 April 2002; photo SJS. |
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Adult Red-banded Hairstreak (Calycopis cecrops) below, photographed on Brady Mountain Section of Grassy Cove Segment, CTSP, Cumberland Co., TN, 29 April 2002; photo SJS. |
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