Preface to the Second Edition

          When the first edition of this little county bird book appeared in 1993, I envisioned
     that I would issue printed copies of new editions of the work every decade or so.  Obviously,
     this electronic second edition of Birds of Putnam County, Tennessee is both a little tardy
     and a little different in mode of appearance than I originally intended, but I hope it will serve
     its purpose
to acquaint residents of, and visitors to, the county with the diverse and
     wonderful avifauna living around us
despite these changes in my plans.

          Many are the persons who have assisted in the collection of data on which the substance
     of this book rests, and I want to thank them collectively for their assistance, some of which
     has extended over the entire three decades that I have lived and birded in Putnam County. 
     Without the dedication of these individuals and many who conducted field work in the county
     before my time (see "List of Observers" in the Clickable Table of Contents) the present
     edition of this work would be much less substantive than it is. Special thanks are due to
     Brian O. Whitworth for assistance in the production of the maps (Figures 1 and 2) that
     accompany this edition of the work.

          To my late wife and companion of thirty-five years, Barbara H. Stedman, the most thanks
     are due, because without her continuing support and participation in data collection, my

     efforts to find and to document the birds of Putnam County would have been a less
     pleasant and much longer task.  Thanks Barb.

     8 December 2006/3 March 2016                                                                                      SJS




Clickable Contents 

            Front Dust Jacket
            Back Dust Jacket
            Title Page
            Copyright Page
            Preface to the Second Edition
            List of Figures
            List of Tables
            Explication of the Species Accounts
            List of Observers
            Species AccountsGeese through Owls
            Species AccountsKingfisher through Grosbeaks


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