Check-list of Birds Observed at Cumberland Mountain State Park, Cumberland County, Tennessee


    If you have personal records from this site for species not listed below or if you know of historical records from this site for species not listed below, please send details to me at this e-mail address:

Abbreviations and Symbols:

* Very Uncommon or Rare species in CMSP


_____ Canada Goose

_____ Wood Duck

_____ Mallard

_____ Ring-necked Duck

_____ Hooded Merganser

_____ Ruffed Grouse *

_____ Northern Bobwhite 

_____ Pied-billed Grebe

_____ Great Blue Heron

_____ Cooper's Hawk

_____ Red-shouldered Hawk

_____ Broad-winged Hawk 

_____ Red-tailed Hawk

_____ American Coot

_____ Sandhill Crane

_____ Mourning Dove

_____ Yellow-billed Cuckoo

_____ Great Horned Owl

_____ Barred Owl

_____ Chimney Swift

_____ Ruby-throated Hummingbird

_____ Belted Kingfisher

_____ Red-headed Woodpecker

_____ Red-bellied Woodpecker

_____ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker

_____ Downy Woodpecker

_____ Hairy Woodpecker

_____ Northern Flicker

_____ Pileated Woodpecker

_____ Eastern Wood-Pewee

_____ Acadian Flycatcher

_____ Eastern Phoebe

_____ Great Crested Flycatcher

_____ Yellow-throated Vireo

_____ Blue-headed Vireo

_____ Red-eyed Vireo

_____ Blue Jay

_____ American Crow

_____ Purple Martin

_____ Northern Rough-winged Swallow

_____ Barn Swallow

_____ Carolina Chickadee

_____ Tufted Titmouse

_____ Red-breasted Nuthatch

_____ White-breasted Nuthatch

_____ Brown Creeper

_____ Carolina Wren

_____ Winter Wren

_____ Golden-crowned Kinglet

_____ Ruby-crowned Kinglet

_____ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher

_____ Eastern Bluebird

_____ Swainson's Thrush

_____ Hermit Thrush

_____ Wood Thrush

_____ American Robin

_____ Gray Catbird

_____ Brown Thrasher

_____ European Starling

_____ Cedar Waxwing

_____ Golden-winged Warbler 

_____ Tennessee Warbler

_____ Orange-crowned Warbler

_____ Northern Parula

_____ Chestnut-sided Warbler

_____ Magnolia Warbler

_____ Yellow-rumped Warbler

_____ Black-thr. Green Warbler

_____ Blackburnian Warbler

_____ Yellow-throated Warbler

_____ Pine Warbler

_____ Prairie Warbler 

_____ Bay-breasted Warbler

_____ Black-and-white Warbler

_____ American Redstart

_____ Ovenbird

_____ Louisiana Waterthrush

_____ Kentucky Warbler

_____ Common Yellowthroat

_____ Hooded Warbler

_____ Canada Warbler

_____ Eastern Towhee

_____ Chipping Sparrow

_____ Field Sparrow

_____ Song Sparrow

_____ White-throated Sparrow

_____ Dark-eyed Junco

_____ Summer Tanager

_____ Scarlet Tanager

_____ Northern Cardinal

_____ Indigo Bunting

_____ Red-winged Blackbird

_____ Eastern Meadowlark

_____ Common Grackle

_____ Brown-headed Cowbird

_____ Purple Finch

_____ House Finch

_____ American Goldfinch


Literature Cited


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